
Posts filed under: Services

Enovate Medical: Start a Clinical Device Assessment

Lessons Learned from Covid-19: Why it’s Time for a Clinical Device Assessment

October 21, 2022

Now that the darkest days of the pandemic are behind us, hospitals are leveraging the lessons learned to shape their future – especially in the design and flexibility of technology. During Covid-19, hospitals quickly discovered how technology impacted their clinical teams’ efficiency and surge capacity. Today, a post-covid review offers an opportunity to update your … Read More

The Role of Hospital Asset Management Systems

How Hospital Asset Management Systems Play an Active Role in Healthcare

October 4, 2021

We spend a good portion of our day looking for phones, keys, and eyeglasses. In this way, our memory serves as an asset management system – and not a very good one. The stakes are higher in the hospital setting. For example, if medical supplies and equipment are not available in real time, the ripple … Read More

Enovate Medical Clinical Device Assessment

What Is a Clinical Device Assessment?

June 3, 2016

If you’re looking for ways to improve the work life of your nurses, consider addressing the demands and distractions created by the IT hardware used for bedside charting. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is here to stay. Reverting to paper charting is not a reality nor should it be. However, finding the right hardware that … Read More

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